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Learn how to create tax-free retirement income!

We'll walk with you to help you get to your imagined future.
Our goal is to help you build an amazing life of purpose that enables you to:
  1. Take care of the people you love.

  2. Support charities you care about.

  3. Make a difference in the world. 

What We Do

Fiduciary* Susan Wieneke can assist you with finding solutions customized to fit YOUR life goals -- everything from creating personalized savings strategies for all your short- and long-term goals, to selecting the right investment products for you, working through estate considerations, advanced care planning, and setting up insurance protection for you and your loved ones. 


Your financial goals and investment strategies should be as individual as you are. In listening to your unique story, she can help develop sound goals and strong foundational strategies to keep you on track toward your vision for the future. Whether you want to save for retirement, make sure your kids or grandkids graduate college debt-free, travel the world or build wealth to last generations, partner with Susan to realize the possibilities.


* (Investopedia definition: A fiduciary is a person or organization that acts on behalf of another person or persons, putting their clients' interest ahead of their own, with a duty to preserve good faith and trust. Being a fiduciary thus requires being bound both legally and ethically to act in the other's best interests.)

Problems We Help You Solve

Ideas for saving
Ideas for tax savings

Making smart decisions about your money

Mitigating taxes

Taking care of those
you love

Learn how to enhance charitable gifts
If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die

Making sure your assets are not unjustly lost in litigation

Enhancing charitable gifts

Do you want to know how to alleviate longevity risk, sequence of returns risk, and physical/cognitive risk? I will show you by strategically integrating investments, income annuities, and life insurance, the potential exists to develop more efficient retirement income strategies that support a higher income level and could help alleviate risk than investment-only strategies. That’s why my back office insurance and investment partners include an Actuary, CFP, and next generation software tools that help us design the right product combinations for you!


Source: Optimizing Retirement Income by combining Actuarial Science and Investments by Wade Pfau May 2015

How We Serve You

I listen

We Listen

The process is simple. Susan gets to know you and your goals. She uses next generation software to build simulations to identify ways to reach your goals. She works with her back office insurance and investment partners to research and find the best product solutions for you. Her back office partners include an Actuary, Certified Financial Planner, independent and unbiased product specialists, and Institutional Money Managers.


We'll do the homework, so you don't have to. We'll show you product options and their benefits, so you can choose the best solution for your situation. 


How We Serve You

Susan Wieneke
Investment Advisor Representative


Susan has honed her critical thinking to build retirement plans based on proof. Her approach recognizes that the solutions for each individual and family are unique. That is why she doesn't sell financial products or turnkey packages, she offers fully designed client solutions. Susan is licensed to advise on life insurance, annuities, long term care insurance, and disability insurance. She is a fiduciary with a Series 65 security license which is the key that unlocks direct access to the best institutional money managers. She represents you in selecting the best money managers to help you achieve your investing goals. She works with absolute transparency to recommend the helpful tools that are specific to each client's needs, and best of all, Susan acts as a friendly guide and accountability partner to help you stay on track to reach your retirement income goals. 


Tapping into her love of connecting with people and her genetic predisposition to figure out how things work and what needs to be done, Susan has developed a team of trustworthy professionals she can refer you to, should you need their services.


Married for 36 years, with three children, Susan is an avid golfer, snowmobiler and gardener. Her favorite vacation is a pilgrimage.

Susan Wieneke Web Video - FINAL
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Guest on Practicing Catholic podcast
It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark! Plan for your retirement today!

Don’t delay, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark!

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Advisory services provided by Bison Wealth, LLC an SEC registered investment adviser.  Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Advisory services are provided pursuant to an
Investment Advisory Agreement and suitability review. The information contained herein is for general information purposes only and should not be deemed an offer or solicitation of an investment product or service. Not all products and services offered by Bison are suitable for all investors. All investments contain risks which include the total loss of invested principal. The information is believed to be reliable but has not been independently verified and may change without notice. Bison does not provide tax, legal or insurance advice. Investors should consult with their financial, tax or legal advisor before investing. Retirement Key is a DBA of Bison Wealth, LLC. Retirement Key and Bison are not affiliated. Additional information about Bison can be found at [Form ADV] [Form CRS] [Privacy Policy]   |    763-486-5441    |    Maple Grove, MN 55311

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